This inaugural edition will bring together 50 artists from all over the world and feature 4 renowed caricaturists as speakers: Thomas Fluharty, Riccardo Mazzoli, Maria Picassó i Piquer and Daniel Stieglitz.
He is the master of refined humor. His style, free yet highly controlled, masterfully utilizes the classic exaggeration of forms that instinctively associates with the concept of caricature. He boasts illustrious collaborations both in the editorial realm (including Time, Der Spiegel, and The New York Times, among others) and with the film industry.
She embodies the new wave of caricature, which with a minimal geometric style manages to distill the very essence of a face: it's surprising how the extreme formal simplicity still carries an accurate resemblance to the portrayed figures. Additionally, she is the creator of Caricature Resolution, a popular online challenge dedicated to the daily creation of new portraits.
He is the quintessential caricature artist, able to create on-the-spot, with great speed and skill, portraits of people never seen before, thanks to his acute powers of observation combined with a strong ability to connect with the audience. His trademark is the large-scale ensemble compositions. Additionally, he also works as a storyboard artist and animator.
He is the symbol of Italian excellence in the field. He has worked with masters such as Bozzetto, Manuli, Nichetti, D'Alò, and Fo, bringing the art of caricature to television by creating video clips for the Zecchino d'Oro and the animated series Calciatoons, which entertains and captivates the new generations. His style, in the tradition of classic animation, excels in capturing the essence of characters by combining humor and satire.
Hawlina Arnd, Florina Avram, Iancu Avram, Liesbeth Beckers, Ruxandra Chibrit, Valentin Chibrit, Anja Engels, Tom Faraci, Lucy Hobrecht, Angie Jordan, Sergiusz Kaszkowski, Niko Kemularia, Benedetta Longobardi, James Lythe, Marco Martellini, Nina Mierowska, Marilena Nardi, Jan Op De Beeck, Eleonora Spizzamiglio, Marion Stein, Zaal Sulakauri, Robin Schwartzman, Łukasz Szostak, Francesco Tassi, Theodossis Teneketzidis, Martina Theisen, Zach Trenholm, Rinie Van Driel, Birgit Vlk, Bernd Weidenauer, George Williams, Daniela Balan, Maurizio Zabuski & more.
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